The first step in caring for your cat is to make sure he/she is healthy. If you vaccinate your cat as required, the chances of it becoming ill with viral diseases are slim. In addition, until your cat is fully vaccinated, he/she is very sensitive to various diseases so it is recommended that he/she stays inside your house until two weeks after they are fully vaccinated.
1. At the age of 8-9 weeks, (minimum 1 KG of weight) your kitten will receive his first vaccine: the CPV 1. After three weeks he will receive the booster shot, which is the last vaccine for the year.
2. If your cat did not receive the vaccination for over a year, he will receive the first CPV 1 and three weeks later, the booster shot.
In order to keep your cat healthy, it is recommended to see us once a year for an annual checkup and vaccination.
There are two kinds of worms that exist in every cat: tape worms and round worms. The cat gets the worms from her mother and/or from fleas. Some worms can pass on to people (especially small children). The treatment is given by pills or syrup which is effective against the worms. We recommend giving the first treatment between 4-8 weeks of age and again during their vaccinations. It is important to remember that keeping your cat clear of fleas will prevent tape worms.
Most cats, at some point have or will have fleas. There are a number of products to exterminate and prevent the fleas on your cat.
We recommend using:
1. Seresto – (by Bayer Company) is a collar for prevention of fleas and ticks in cats. It is useful for 7-8 months and is water proof. The collar can be used from the age of 7 weeks.
2. Bravecto - Spot on solution is a very effective product by MSD Company, used to exterminate and prevent fleas and ticks. It is administrated on the back of the cat's neck, just behind the ears. Bravecto is effective for 12 weeks period and can be used on the cat from 11-13 weeks of age.
3. Advocate – (by Bayer Company) Spot on solution that is effective against fleas and ear mites. It is administrated on the scruff of the cat, just behind the ears. One spot on ampule is effective for one month, it is safe to use on kittens from 8 weeks of age and kills all fleas on the cat within 24 hours but is not effective against ticks.
It is not recommended to wash cats at all, unless they are very dirty or have a foul odor. If you decide to wash your cat, you should purchase a special cat shampoo and to wash thoroughly with water.
Nutrition is very important to keep your cat healthy. Make sure your cat gets dry food and canned food. Recommended food companies are:
Hill's vets essentials
Hill's science plan
Royal canin
Until the age of six months you should purchase kitten food.
NEVER feed your cat with: bones, sweets, salty and spicy food, grapes and raisins, onions and garlic. Also, never give your cat human medicine without consulting a vet.
Cats reach their sexual maturity around the age of six months. There are two ways to deal with it:
1. Spay or castration, (the highly recommended way) if you do not want your cat to have kittens.
2. The natural way: to supervise them during the heat period. This is very difficult, because the female cat has a tendency to run away from home in search of a male cat. In addition, she can wail and scream for hours and want to escape from the house. The male cat will also wail and scream and mark the house with a foul odor, and will want to escape from the house and will get into fights with other male cats.
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ראשון - חמישי אחה"צ 20:00 - 16:00
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רח' יעקב כהן 21
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